Category: Short Stories

  • The will to live.

    The armchair-cum-wheelchair had lost its stuffing, and I was sinking in it. Just like my life; if it weren’t for Jehaan, my partner in all but crime, I’d have sunk into the abyss of depression. Our friendship tethered me. The unyielding spasms in my lower back were enough to drive me off the wall, but…

  • Home isn’t a place, but a feeling.

    April 2010, Nashik. The agent shuffled his feet, pawing the ground. His visage was a study in embarrassment. “Madamji, the owner has declined. He isn’t willing to rent the apartment to single women. He has been burnt in the past and is uncomfortable dealing with it again.”  “Do you have more flats to see?” I…

  • Recurring Repentance.

    *** First published on

  • Infinite Versions.

    The crowd broke out in applause as the husband handed a jewellery box to his wife, followed by several oohs and aahs from many of the wife’s girlfriends as she snapped the box open. Unlike popular opinion, the box contained a charm bracelet. She removed the bracelet from its container with the charms dangling delicately…

  • Jhumka.

    The breeze rustled through her tresses as it blew over the trees in the copse. The tiny bells attached to the jhumkas hanging by her ear, tinkled a soft jingling sound as they danced to the whims and fancies of the wind. A stray lock blew over her face as the breeze intensified its hold.…

  • Penny for them.

    Pennywise clapped his hands, the white cotton gloves swallowing the sound. He leaned forward towards the group of mostly silent children. He bobbed towards them with his face breaking out in a grotesque smile, as the one etched on his skin. “One of you’ll not leave this room alive, my dear children,” he cackled as…

  • A Wash of Emotions.

    Hunger and Anger are at it again. The same old argument; flogging the same dead horse. “I don’t think Anger can cause humans to die. Whereas, if they experience me, I’m sure to kill. Q.E.D.,” rumbles Hunger, tipping his pointed nose at Anger.  Anger’s bulbous nose reddened as his veins popped. “Hogwash. I can cause…

  • Illuminate Within.

    ChandriyaVana, 05.45 AM. The aroma of the besan laddoos infiltrates his nostrils, pushing him to the land of the living. He jerks his hands. Nope. I’m still tied to the flagpole. I can’t believe I dozed off. The chains jangle as he shifts position and the teasing colours of dawn appeared over the horizon. The fire, burning all night,…

  • If you stumble, make it a part of your dance.

    A week before Diwali. Shachi. “The hot oil welcomes the uncooked chakli in its unctuous folds. It is satisfying when the chakli goes belly-up. The skimmer spoon swoops in to rescue the chakli, not bothering about its own safety. The mission is successful. The boiling oil hisses, desolate as the chakli departs, further and further away from…

  • Much Ado Over a Var.

    Naradmuni. I couldn’t check my WhatsApp messages. The networks were down, and the towers, destroyed. Everyone around me examined their devices in vain. The data services were cut.  The reverberations of his stomping foot could be felt everywhere but to him. His pain was unbearable, cutting deep. Locks of his matted hair spread on the horizon.…