When I am gone and dusted off
Blown my last kiss to you
Waved my final goodbye
Cry for me
Heck, weep for me, my love.
Long shuddering sobs, shattering the heart
Mourn the loss of us
Mourn the loss of what we were
But when the tears peter out, and they will, my dear
Then cry no more.
For what is gone, can only be relived
In memories, and in remembrances
Of the life, we lived
Reminisce to the day I was hopping mad
Think back to the time, my laughter wouldn’t stop.
Let the memories encircle you
Stay wrapped in their warm embrace
Linger for a while, lean against them, if you will
But then, sit up, don’t dawdle.
Breathe, shower, step out
Leave the bedroom, leave the house
Go out, go for a walk.
When home, and feel the walls closing in
Let the tears flow a little
Wipe your face, blow that nose
Snotty-face doesn’t suit you, you know.
Get back in the saddle, get back in the game
That life that you have, that life we shared
It’s not going to live itself unless you care
For I may be gone and dusted off
But my one last wish, one last favour, I ask.
Keep me in your heart, but go for a second chance
Another one’s embrace to fill your heart.